Monday, June 21, 2010

Mad Tea Party

Blossom Sundayの前はBlossom Countdown,
Blossom Sundayの後はBlossom Report,
Blossom Reportの後はBlossom Retire (笑)と思ったら、

みてるだけでウキウキ、写真は美しく、まるでWonderland, dream land ...夢の世界ってこんなこと?  Winter 2010 Artful Blogging も掲載される予定です!

Mad Tea Partyは一体なに?
下記の内容を自分のblogで貼り、その後VANESSA'S BLOGにコメントを残して、partyの日(この土曜日 6/26) にこのPartyについて自分のブログで記事を書くこと。Partyの当日はblog hopの形でみんなが遊びくるそうです−−>実はここがよく分からないですが。。。当日、自分のブログに何をupすればいいかしら。。。

こちらは去年のMad Tea Party 2009、必見!
こちらのブログはMad Tea Partyの他、色々なpartyを紹介してあります!

Mad Tea Party 2010

Here's an excuse to have a Mad Tea Party!!!

Here's the information from Vanessa at A Fanciful Twist:

Wondering what to do if you sign up?
If you are signing up to participate in the Virtual Mad Tea Party, all you have to do are three things. (To sign-up, simply leave a comment at VANESSA'S BLOG saying you are joining in and leave your blog link. Thank you ;)

1) Share the flyer or the button on your blog as soon as possible.  Link to VANESSA'S blog post, and SHE will add your name to the "Mad Tea Partier" list in HER left hand side bar. 

2)  On the day of the tea party, June 26th 2010, please make sure to post a Mad Tea Party post of your own, on your blog, linking to HER.  Other partiers will be visiting you on that date.  

3)  Blog hop with the other partiers on the day of the event and have a mad blast!!  Again, the list of Mad Tea Party Participants will be in HER left hand sidebar.
Note:  Please make sure you post a tea party post on June 26th (coming Saturday) if you signed up.  Last year several people did not do this, and lots of partiers e-mailed VANESSA to ask why they were finding some blogs without a Mad Tea Party post.  VANESSA didn't have an answer.
Don't forget, this event is supposed to be pure fun.
Don't stress out about it, and do let yourself go positively mad ;)
If you need some, there are oodles of Mad Tea Party inspirations out there.
You can even order a copy of Winter 2010 Artful Blogging, where last year's tea party, along with a handful of other participating Mad Tea Parties were featured. 
  Mad Tea Party 
Artful Blogging Winter 2010 
Below are also some more tips and ideas for your own tea party,
as featured in the Staten Island, New York Advance Newspaper....
   Mad Tea Party Article Vanessa 


  1. Hey sweetie! Hope you have fun with your mad tea party!!!! Thanks so much for the blog love! You are the best.

  2. Sweetie YOU Julie!!! I got this yummy info from you blog! So inspiring. Thanks as always.

  3. 生クリームやら色とりどりのゼリーやら魔法の粉にまみれて
    本物のmad tea party、是非した〜〜〜い!

    この紹介site、very lovely!!! 大好きです!!!!最高!!!
